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As a CitiDirect Online Banking customer, you periodically receive updates to the CitiDirect application. These updates are delivered directly to your personal computer (PC) when you sign on to CitiDirect as a CitiDirect program (.cab) file download if you run CitiDirect on Microsoft Java Software (JVM) or a .jar file download, if you run CitiDirect on Sun Microsystems Java Software.

The information below can assist you both prior to and during the download process.

Microsoft JVM Users

If you run CitiDirect on Microsoft JVM, for a Quick Reference Card on downloading CitiDirect .cab File Updates including Administrator Rights Requirements, Deleting CitiDirect Program (.cab) Files, and Deleting Cookies and Temporary Internet Files, click here.

Sun Java Software Users

If you run CitiDirect on Sun Microsystems Java Software, for a Quick Reference Card on downloading CitiDirect .jar File Updates including Administrator Rights Requirements, Deleting CitiDirect Program (.jar) Files, and Deleting Cookies and Temporary Internet Files, click here.

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