Check Status Inquiry

This function allows you to inquire about the most current status of a check.  You can inquire about a check status from the Input/Modify Tab of the US Disbursements Services service class, from the Criteria Tab of the Check Status Inquiry within the  Inquiries service class, or as you are initiating a new service request.  Note:  This can be an important function because you can incur unnecessary changes if, for example, you initiate a stop check request on a check which has already been paid.

From the Input/Modify Tab:

  1. To check on the status of a check, click US Disbursements Services.  The US Disbursements Services Summary form appears.

  2. On the Input/Modify Tab, select a record.

  3. Click Go to Details.  The Check Status Inquiry dialog box, with the check status details of the selected record, appears.

  4. Click OK or Cancel to close dialog box.

From the Inquiries service class:

  1. On the CitiDirect navigation bar, click Inquiries.  Click US Disbursement Inquiries and then click Check Status Inquiry.  The Check Status Inquiry summary form appears.

  2. Click the Criteria Tab.  Note:  A red asterisk ( * ) indicates required fields.

From the Service Request Detail form:

  1. Repeat Step 1 from above.

  2. Click New.  Note:  If you choose to add an issuance, stop a single check or void an issuance, you will be directed to first view the Check Status Inquiry.  For instructions on how to initiate any of these requests, click here.

  3. Click Check Status Inquiry.

  4. The Account Number and Branch Number fields will be populated with the check information selected on the Service Request Detail form.

  5. In the Check Number field, enter the number of the check for which you want to see the status.

  6. Click Run Search.  The check status will be displayed in the Check Status Inquiry dialog box.

  7. Click OK or Cancel to close the dialog box.
